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Goddesses Don’t Die Series


This series celebrates the strength and beauty of the female form, not just in its physical power, but in embracing the uniqueness of all body types and shapes. It’s about recognizing the flaws and the beauty that make us who we are. Women have long had their rights stripped away, but it’s time to reclaim our confidence and take control of ourselves again. The laser spear piercing their bodies symbolizes the forces in society that try to tear us down and strip away our self-worth. But these women stand tall, striking powerful poses, with their third eye open, proudly showing that true strength comes from standing up for ourselves, defying those who try to silence us, and refusing to be defined by anyone but ourselves. 

These drawings are inspired by real people who volunteered to showcase their confidence and love for themselves and their bodies. If you're interested in having your own goddess featured in this series or as a personal piece, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].